Welcome to my Resume page.

Here you can find my most recent resume. Thank you for your effort of getting to know me.

Nothing trumps a good (face-to-face) conversation over a cup of coffee (or tea). To cross the time between now and our meeting, here are a few documents to give you more insight in me as a person.

On my about page is also information on my personality and personal moto’s.

My Resume in English

My Resume in Dutch

Combining Research, Sharing knowledge and Application in reality

My Clients since 2005

Also see LinkedIn

A personal note

Specialised in translating and guiding execution of strategic visions in complex organisations. Experienced in bridging the gap between strategy and tactical and uniting business and IT.

How and where you are raised, are part of the fundament of who you are. I grew up in my father’s car workshop where I spent my time tinkering with various computers supporting him and his competitors for whom computers were new. Here I learned that IT is supportive to the work people do. From watching my father dealing with his customers I learned the importance of good service.

Good service means the focus is on the needs of the customer. IT solutions do not exist for their own sake, they should ideally be nearly invisible: making life easier and more efficient without confusing its users or creating new problems. This is my view since my 14th, inspired by many sci-fi books, philosophy books and experience as an entrepreneur.

In my capacity of Antifragility Arhitect, which is a combination of an Enterprise Architect and a Security Architect, I strive to do exactly this.

In my capacity of Enterprise Architect & Enterprise Engineer I strive to transform existing organisations in such a way that there is room to evolve to an organic symbioses between people and IT.

In recent years my focus has been on anti-fragility, innovation, digital transformation, blockchain, internet of things, startups.

My Personality can be described in many ways amongst: “Myers–Briggs Type Indicator® ENFP (“Champion, Innovator, Campaigner”) with strong developed ENTJ (“Fieldmarshal / Executive”) Insights Discovery Profile® 47 Helping Inspirer (Accommodating)” “Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose.” - Coach Taylor

My Goal Map

Dutch Resume v2019

History of Resume’s

Between 2006 and 2020 I was working at Sogeti Netherlands. This is a IT Consultancy firm. I have been assigned to around 30 clients since November 2006, and had many versions of my Sogeti resume per year.

Once every 5 years I update my resume for the outside world. Since 1993 (12 years old) I have been working (in IT) and therefore have had many versions of my CV.

Almost all versions where lost during a SD card crash of a Raspberry pi. Available versions of my resume can be found on this page.

A complete list of all assignments (at Sogeti) can also be found at LinkedIn. I also aim to add side-quests from before my time at Sogeti (volunteering) and talent tracks during my time at Sogeti to my LinkedIn profile.

This page contains links to my Google Drive and to my Gitlab Profile Repository.



  • Create a resume in MarkDown.
  • Create a resume in LaTeX (a4).


  • Translate Dutch Google Slide to English Google Slide.
  • Update the Dutch and English Google Slide.
  • Select a different theme for the Google Slide version.
  • add Goal map.
